非常感謝 麵粉們的支持!
原定 2018.10.18~10.31 於中和比漾百貨廣場試吃展售服務,因場地臨時異動無法提供舒適的環境給各位支持者一個好的服務與呈現,故須在此先說聲抱歉~ 比漾百貨的促銷文宣活動方於 Line:@MRNOODLE 兌換喔(憑拍照私訊)。
更多實體通路展售,請參考: http://bit.ly/2Ow4vV1
😑 Sorry laaaa
2018年10月17日 星期三
2018年7月20日 星期五
City Super 百貨超市上架!
City Super 百貨超市上架!
感謝各位喜歡吃麵條先生的朋友! 即日起,麵條先生手工拌麵系列商品 於 百貨超市City Super 開賣囉~ 歡迎大家選購💕
感謝各位喜歡吃麵條先生的朋友! 即日起,麵條先生手工拌麵系列商品 於 百貨超市City Super 開賣囉~ 歡迎大家選購💕
2018年6月26日 星期二
#麵條先生 🍜正式邁向全世界🌍 世貿一館 A0115攤位 (17號門旁)🇺🇸🇬🇧🇩🇪🇫🇷🇨🇦🇯🇵🇭🇰🇸🇬🇲🇾 網址:www.mrnoodle.com.tw 🌍 現場有解說服務,歡迎來參觀喔!6/27-6/30 9:00-17:00
2018年5月11日 星期五
高鐵左營2館 彩虹市集3樓 好好集上市
#麵條先生 的全台巡迴🍜試吃展售服務開跑🏃囉! 快閃高雄:5/12-5/13 #新光三越左營2館 #彩虹市集X好好集。
懶懶出門:🆓 🚗 www.mrnoodle.com.tw 全台網路各大平台都有。
5/11-5/14 在世貿1館有展覽B736攤位
5/12-5/13 新光三越左營2館(彩虹市集3F)好好集專櫃
5/14~5/29 於 百貨超市 City Super
a 板橋大遠百 MegaCity 大遠百B1
b SOGO天母店 B1
c 桃園台茂 台茂購物中心B2
d 新竹巨城 Big City巨城購物中心B1
懶懶出門:🆓 🚗 www.mrnoodle.com.tw 全台網路各大平台都有。
5/11-5/14 在世貿1館有展覽B736攤位
5/12-5/13 新光三越左營2館(彩虹市集3F)好好集專櫃
5/14~5/29 於 百貨超市 City Super
a 板橋大遠百 MegaCity 大遠百B1
b SOGO天母店 B1
c 桃園台茂 台茂購物中心B2
d 新竹巨城 Big City巨城購物中心B1
2018年5月5日 星期六
2018年4月20日 星期五
Line會員專屬☀️「免運優惠」☀️ 麵條先生手工麵
➡️👉買1箱12袋 1780元 送2388元 肩背包*1個
➡️➡️👉買2箱24袋 3300元 送6000元 太空包*1個
➡️➡️➡️👉買3箱36袋 4500元 送6000元 太空包*1個
《麵條先生手工麵口味》 每袋有四份,每份含麵體與醬料包
1. 油蔥香菇_豬油風味
2. 麻辣麻醬(全素)
3. 川味麻辣_牛油風味
4. 沙茶咖哩
5. 香蒜麻醬
6. 紅油烏醋(全素)
7. 油蔥香菇(五辛素)
8. 川味麻辣(全素)
套餐A. 綜合口味各1袋(預設1.~6.),共6袋
套餐B. 全素食組合(2.6.8) 兩份,共6袋
套餐C. 自行指定口味
貨品內容:套餐_A_兩份 共 _12_袋
2018年4月3日 星期二
麵條先生-手工拌麵 清明假期【全省出貨通知】:
麵條先生-手工拌麵 【全省出貨通知】:
● 網路--各大平台通通不打烊😘、
● 實體商店--新光三越好好集、全省大潤發通通都有😍、台中中友百貨A棟B2 Jason超市旁 有特別服務
● 公司官網、Line、電話客服將於4/3 18:00~ 4/9 開始恢復正常營運唷🤗~~
2018年3月28日 星期三
2018年3月25日 星期日
Mr. Noodle met up with The Ramen Rater
Noodle met up with The Ramen Rater
Meet The
Interview: https://goo.gl/PPtfhE
2. Product Samples From Mr. Noodle (Video): https://goo.gl/DpJSBz
3. #2777: Mr. Noodle Sichuan Flavor Spicy Hot Noodles https://goo.gl/XBBWW2
Interview With Mr. Noodle * Product Samples From Mr. Noodle * Mr. Noodle Sichuan Flavor Spicy Hot Noodles *
I met a lot of people during my trip to Taiwan in November, 2017. One was a gentleman named Isaac Chen – he was at the International Food Expo and I spoke to him for a couple minutes about noodles and tried some of the products they had there. He wanted to give me samples but my luggage was already jam packed, so samples were sent later and a Meet The Manufacturer series was born. I asked a few questions – let’s see what he had to say –
Interview With Mr. Noodle – Taiwan
THE RAMEN RATER> Thank you for agreeing to this interview! To start, can you tell my readers about the history of Mr Noodle?
MR NOODLE> We are young generation in 1990s looking for products to sell online. Our friends’ parents are noodle factory in Tainan (kuan miao), Taiwan. Their noodles are sold worldwide. Due to food safety issue they faced their sauce are effected, and they took the plain noodle out and donate to orphanage and dump the rest, it was large quantities. I think we can help them with others good quality noodles selling online. Mr. Noodle was born at this timing.
TRR> Why the name Mr Noodle? Is Mr Noodle named after a person?
MR NOODLE> Since our noodles are famous in Taiwan and worldwide, we took MR. NOODLE as we are nice noodle producer. The logo was depicted under our founders’ image and slightly change with it’s hair and face shape- noodle shape.
TRR> What was the first product you made?
MR NOODLE> Our first product is “mushroom onion sauce flavor with plain noodle” (green package). Our first sale.
TRR> Your company is located in Taiwan. Can you tell us a little about your country?
MR NOODLE> Our country is on east Asian, located beside China and under Japan and Korea. Regardless of political issue with China and USA, we are nice and friendly people. We work hard and was a famous OEM country: Product MIT (Made in Taiwan) were famous. Now our business are enhanced high tech, semi conduct electronics products and cultural creative local products.
TRR> Can you tell us about the varieties of noodles you make?
MR NOODLE> In terms of noodle shape: we have line-shaped, width-shaped and butter-fly shaped
As sauces: we have 6 flavor sauces. According to taste and sauces characteristic, different shaped noodles are matched. For example, black vinegar sauces are more watery we use line-shaped increase its taste.
TRR> How many noodle products do you produce every year?
MR NOODLE> About 300,000 packages Mr. Noodle brand. Each package contains four sets of noodle and sauces.
TRR> How does your noodle making process differ from other instant noodle manufacturers?
MR NOODLE> Most instant noodle are oil-fired. Our noodle is dried with sun baked, instead of dry up in machine. In old way, we dry the noodle in yards, outside. Now we have an indoor warehouse with, still, plenty of sun light drying up. This process enhances our noodles’ specialty: long cooked and still very flexibility.
TRR> Can you suggest pairings for your products, like meats or vegetables?
MR NOODLE> We suggest parings for our noodle, such as salad, broccoli, cucumber, carrot and mushroom. Actually, our top sale product, spicy sesame paste (orange package), pair with cucumber and carrot are one of traditional Chinese cuision: sesame paste noodles.
TRR> Are there any other products you make?
MR NOODLE> Temporarily, none.
TRR> A lot of people are concerned with their sodium intake. How would you recommend people enjoy your product as part of a healthy meal?
MR NOODLE> Cook in our recommended way: cook in boil plan water 500cc for 3-5 minutes. Our noodle contains three different types of noodle and salt and water. As the noodle cooked, its salt dissolve into water.
TRR> Are you involved in in your local community or participate in charities?
MR NOODLE> Yes, we usually ship 3-5 boxes (240 sets noodles) to Taiwan Fund for Children and Families, and homeless organization.
TRR> Are there any new products coming soon?
MR NOODLE> Yes, it’s xo- sauces flavor.
TRR> In what countries are your products popular? Do people enjoy them differently in different places?
MR NOODLE> Our 6 flavors are really typical taste in Chinese cuisine so in most Chinese communities they love our top sale “mushroom and onion”. Japanese love this too! However, People from Hong Kong and Singapore enjoy our “barbecue and curry sauces” noodle. Westerners enjoy our spicy sesame paste flavor.
TRR> When you make noodles for yourself, what do you like to add to them to make them extra special?
MR NOODLE> Salad, eggplant and egg, very delicious!
THE RAMEN RATER> Thank you very much for this opportunity to learn about Mr Noodle and your products!
Thank you to Isaac Chen for making this Meet The Manufacturer happen! Let’s begin!
2018年3月4日 星期日
麵條先生 煮麵示範
#麵條先生 在天母Sogo百貨 的煮麵示範
https://www.facebook.com/TianmuSOGO/posts/1605974186166651 謝謝🙏 #天母Sogo
即日起~3/14在 天母Sogo B1 可以試吃帶回家喔!
▶️B1快閃櫃位-麵條先生 (即日起至3/14)
https://www.facebook.com/TianmuSOGO/posts/1605974186166651 謝謝🙏 #天母Sogo
即日起~3/14在 天母Sogo B1 可以試吃帶回家喔!
2018年2月28日 星期三
麵條先生 在天母Sogo B1 上市
✨就是今天 #麵條先生 🍜在天母Sogo B1 上市,喜歡吃麵的捧油們,千萬不要錯過喔!
3/1-3/14 天母Sogo B1 ,09:00~09:30
3/1-3/14 天母Sogo B1 ,09:00~09:30
2018年2月13日 星期二
📣📣雖然網路通路沒有得買,但還是可以到 #新光三越好好集 跟 #大潤發購買喔~ 📣📣
📣📣雖然網路通路沒有得買,但還是可以到 #新光三越好好集 跟 #大潤發購買喔~ 📣📣
2018年2月6日 星期二
「免運」☀️台灣早安☀️ #麵條先生手工麵
📢現在加入 #麵條先生 Line會員再享優惠
📢現在加入 #麵條先生 Line會員再享優惠
2018年2月5日 星期一
辦年貨! 好康到!
$299 恭賀新禧送禮組→ http://t.cn/R8tNZyY
$899 花好月圓送禮組→ http://t.cn/R8tNfUx
$1680 財源廣進送禮物→ http://t.cn/R8tNSSE
2018年1月22日 星期一
麵條先生 在大潤發上架
麵條先生 在大潤發上架
可在大潤發 買到以下口味
1. 油蔥香菇-豬油風味
2. 麻辣麻醬 (全素可)
3. 川味麻辣-牛油風味